Monday, April 12, 2010

Paper Presentations Day 1

I was really impressed with everyone's paper who presented today. Since it was the first day I thought that maybe everybody's papers would be a little less than amazing but I was very wrong. Even people who seemed to think that their papers weren't as polished as they would have liked had good direction. It was easy to see potential with where they were going.

Probably the paper I identified the most with was Joan's paper. I really enjoyed her discussion of factors that effect duty. Perhaps the most interesting claim I thought she made was that time is the precursor of duty since duty involves acting within a space of time. I also thought it was a pretty interesting assertion she made that gods are outside of duty since they are outside of time... I wanted to ask her some more about that but we ran out of time. Perhaps I will ask her for a copy so I can consult it for some ideas in my paper.

Kevin's paper was also really fun to listen to. I enjoyed his discussion of being an English major. As much as I have told myself in the past that it's all going to work out and be ok I've wondered if that's really the case. I also enjoyed his discovery/epiphany that hanging out with the meth-head landscape crew wasn't really the life path he belonged on. Part of the process of finding what you do want to do involves ruling out the things you don't want to do.

Anyway, I'm excited for the papers to come!

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